Helping you prepare for a New Chapter!
Helping you prepare for a New Chapter!
Planning for Your Future
Whether you are retiring, about to ETS, or are considering your options; we can help you prepare to file your VA Disability Benefits claim.
Military and VA pay
We can help you understand the differences in disability, CRSC, CRDP, and other pay and entitlements that you could be eligible for.
There are over 830 ratable disabilities conditions listed by the VA. It's a daunting task for transitioning military members to understand the VA Disability Benefits systems and to ensure that they are receiving the disability benefits they deserve.
This is precisely why 8/10 veterans are currently underrated-meaning they do not have the VA disability rating and compensation they deserve.
This is why we have designed a seminar to teach you what the VA is looking for, How to Prepare your Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) claim, and File a winning claim
For a Fee allow us to do the work for you. We will review your Military Medical Record, Identify claimable issues and submit the claim on your behalf.
Disclaimer: New Chapter Consulting (NCC) is not a law firm, nor staffed by any Attorney, nor is NCC licensed to practice law in any jurisdiction. Verbal or written discussions may involve legal issues and procedures but such discussions and communications shall be understood to be only the opinions of NCC or notification of factors and facts to be considered. NCC does not and cannot offer legal advice or assistance to the Client when filing a claim. NCC is not affiliated in any way with Veteran Affairs. NCC does not assist Veterans/Clients with the presentation, production or prosecution of claims. Because NCC has a Certified Veterans Service Officer on staff, we may assist or file claims on behalf of Veterans/Clients that we assist on a case by case basis. The information listed on this website, not limited to, benefit amounts, success percentages, and disability ratings are a general estimate and not specific to any one claim. The guidance given by NCC is general and not specific to one claim. NCC and/or its third-party affiliates do NOT make representations, guarantees, warranties or assurances as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the content contained on this website or any sites linked to this site. Determination of benefits can only be awarded by Veterans Affairs, not NCC. This website is solely for marketing purposes and should not be considered as medical or legal advice. For more information about this disclaimer, review our privacy policy and terms and conditions.